Our Indian culture is agriculture. The practice of chemical farming in cultivation lands destroyed the soil fertility and the lands become unfertile. The abundant usage of chemicals leads the farmers into debt bondage. The government also realized the evils of the chemical farming and now trying to follow the organic farming. To equip the farmers in our working area, KSE Trust organized training on organic farming cultivation in which 32 farmers were participated.
We organized this training at Inam Vayalur village on 19th August 2022. It is a river belt village and the total villagers depend on agricultural activities for their livelihood. Mr. Anada Nayanar, Agriculture Consultant, Lalgudi explained the preparation of farm compost, vermi compost, organic pest replants, water conservation methods, energy management, bio-diversity,
seed protection, indigenous seed bank etc.
This training was helped the farmers to get good insight on importance of organic farming. Now few are following in paddy cultivation and we are documenting it. We spent Rs. 26600 for this training program.